Zoe : The God-Kind of life by Kenneth E. Hagin

Click to get a copy There was a lot of lessons to learn from this book and I would just be giving a few so you can read yourself and be edified. 1. Any man or woman who accepts Jesus Christ is identified with Him. I find this quite interesting that my identity is not …

The Holy Spirit, A seal

The Holy spirit is our guarantee that we are saved and are expectant of the coming of Christ. The Holy Spirit is not just a comforter but also an assurance of our Inheritance in Christ. So believer you wonder how do I know I am saved, because I don't feel anything Salvation isn't about feelings, …


Singleness, a state of being single. In a world where being single is seen as something so devastating and hopeless, let's look at it from a Godly perspective. Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 For so long in the secular world, movies and music, we see time and again that once you like someone "common sense" seems to be …

The past

It's so easy to be weighed down by guilt, regret. The devil has a way of encouraging us to do wrong, and when we fall, make us feel filthy about it. Now the question is, how do I embrace what God says about me when the devil tries to bring up my past. Get in …


God created sex. And God is the One that allowed us to have the ability to be attracted to someone, therefore, doesn’t it make perfect sense that God should be the One to understand what context they can be used properly?Genesis 2:24 AMPFor this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and …

My body,my choice?

In this blog post, there’s this very important thing we should know,It’s not about virginity, it’s about purity. 1 Corinthians 6:17-20ESV But he who is joined to the Lord becomes one spirit with him. Flee from sexual immorality. Every othersin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against HIS …

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