The love of God: isn’t it wonderful?

Hey! guys, how are you all doing?

I would like us to look at the love of God-which is so profound. I kind of touched this in my last blog post- “Jesus’s love is more than we can imagine”. But I don’t think we fully understand it, so I will start by talking about the song” Reckless Love”, which most of us sing all the time. The song is, beautiful right? But do we actually take time to study the lyrics we sing? That song speaks volume of the love of Jesus. Can we earn the love of Jesus? Because people seem to have the misconception that I have to be good for Jesus to love me, don’t misquote me, being good is awesome. But when you start to think that it’s what makes God love you then that’s when it becomes a misconception.

When I am so mad(angry) at someone or something, I always say to myself “but Jesus loves them too”. Jesus loves them so much and all the 7.8billion people on earth. The 7.8 billion people on earth are all children of God and God didn’t intend on hell for His children. I need you to understand that hell wasn’t intended for man but for the devil and his angels. God’s love is just too much to behold us suffering like that and I will use the study case of the Israelites ” God’s beloved”. As I am currently reading through the Old Testament, I say to myself why are the Israelites so stubborn? Can’t they see God loves, can’t they see how much He loves them and I smile because I was once like that. We were once like that, so ignorant of God’s loves that showed right in our faces but we were too blind to see it.

What does the love of God mean to me? What does the love of God mean to us? Now, this is a very profound question we all need to ask ourselves. We go to phases where we feel like we aren’t loved by family, friends or ourselves but His love(God) is made readily available to us, when we feel we aren’t worthy of His love, guess what, He loves you and I anyways.

We love him, because he first loved us.
1 John 4:19 KJV

I will be leaving some Bible scriptures on the love of God, so we can take time out to read

  • Proverbs 3:12NIV
  • John 3:16
  • John 15:13ESV
  • Romans 5:8ESV
  • Romans 5:5 ESV
  • Ephesians 2:4ESV
  • Ephesians 3:19 ESV

6 Replies to “The love of God: isn’t it wonderful?”

    1. Great. This is the reason came to the world. The Bible says that’For God so loved the world,he gave his beloved son’ ( John 3 verse 16 )

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