Subjecting our thoughts in obedience to God’s word.

Speak the word of God over yourself throughout the day, as often as necessary. This will help you begin to genuinely believe what you confess. you must identify yourself with God’s word for it to change your identity.

Please take time out to watch this video, God bless you all. Ask the holy spirit to lead you to Scriptures that counter whatever situation or emotion you face. Then personalize the scriptures into confessions that you keep with you.

How often does your mind play tricks on you: you aren’t good enough, you aren’t smart enough, you aren’t qualified for the position, is it your type they are looking for there but that’s a lie, you have to do away with that self-doubt, that limiting factor from within you holding you back.

Always renew your mind with God’s word. Go back to His word and meditate on it.

Shift your focus.shift your thoughts and surrender to God. Shift what you are worried about and give it over to God. The more you meditate upon God’s word, the less you exalt the problem. Chose to worship God and not your problem, chose to magnify God and not your concerns, chose to exalt God above your cares and fears and watch God lift the weight of heaviness from your life.

This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.
Joshua 1:8 KJV

I hope we have all been blessed and please always remember nothing is too difficult for God to do.

15 Replies to “Subjecting our thoughts in obedience to God’s word.”

  1. May the good Lord always Grant you wisdom to write more sis.
    I pray the Holy spirit will always speak to everyone reading your blog more than you have been led to write in Jesus name,Amen.
    I love you sis,more grace.


  2. I love what you are doing through your blog🥺. May God bless you and continue to strengthen you as you spread His word❤


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